Getting to know each other - Me and my Nikon D80
21-07-2009 Gurgaon After using my Sony DSC W50 for more than 3 years, I knew it was time to upgrade. But there was a confussion! Whether I should move to the SLR-Likes or the SLRs itself. After googleing a lot and asking many 'friend'ly suggestions, I was still wondering what to do. I knew very well that I am no big photographer and all, as some people thought. It was all W50's perfection and the beauty of our incredible India. I was really afraid of the SLRs and hence concentrated more on the middle range camera's or the Mega zoom waalas . I asked my brother in the US to checkout a few models and told him everything. Luckily one of his friends happened to be a photographer himself and he advised my brother to forget the Mega Zooms and go for SLR. In the last Thanks Giving sale (2008) when they saw a good deal on a Nikon D80 , he bought it right away! It took almost 6 months to reach my hands and now I am slowly trying to 'tame' it. I am hoping that before the ...