Another common man with common thoughts and wishes... (still trying to figure out the true purpose in life) At times I think I need to do something that will touch many lives in a good way... However after a few minutes and a cup of coffee, I give up! "what the heck.. we live only once, let me live it to the fullest!" Some fundas I like very much are; -Give Respect to the ones who deserves... Take Respect from as many as u can. -Think before you say or do anything. Its better to be called '..a Reserved guy' than "...a Gutter-mouth" -"sab chaltha hey yaar..." attitude don't go with me. If you don't like something, show your displeasure then and there. Fundas kuch jyada hogaya khya..? Anyways enough of that for now.. Like most of you, I also had so many 'interests' in the past as well as present. But the most persistent ones that has followed me all these years are: Reading, Movies, Cooking and Traveling. I read Suspense, Thrillers a...