Vof & Hemkund Trek - Day 3 - (Hemkund Sahib)
Day 3: Aug 13 2007
11:00 AM
Its 11:00 AM now. I can do the 6 km trek in approximately 2 - 2 & half hours. Its just 6 Kms. No need of paying 500/- for a horse! I can do it!
But later I realised, how foolish I was!
After walking (its "CLIMBING" actually) for some 400 or 500 mts, I started feeling tired. I shouldn't be walking this fast! That is making me tired so soon! I slowed down my pace. However, after walking a 100 mts, again started feeling tired. Then I realised that I didnt eat anything since morning and I have been walking since 6 AM. That could be the reason!
Now what to do? Today I didnt carry anything with me to eat and there were no shops nearby! Maybe after some time there will be shops and once I eat something I should be ok! Afterall its just 6 kms! But the truth was far from this!
"The climb to Hemkund sahib is so steep that it makes u tired after waking a few meters! Also as you go higher, the oxygen level comes down and you find it difficult to breath." By the time I remembered these words from my online friends and the hotel manager, I had climbed 1 km! My speed had reduced drastically and I was walking like a zombie! On every step I took, my legs were screaming "THIS IS IT!... PLEASEEEEE... NOT ANYMORE!" I felt like I have walked till the ends of the earth and i cannot go a single step more!
But turning back meant I have to wait one more day! Plus, the it had been raining heavily and if that continues, it could put my return journey in trouble. I wanted to reach Delhi on 15th So that I will be able to go to office on 16th.
Btw, did anyone say anything about "turning back"? I knew very well that even if I wanted to, my ego would not let me do that! I've walked 1 km. 5 more to go! I would go on even if that means I reach there in the evening! Afterall, I dont have a plane or train to catch. so whats the hurry? Let me solve all the issues and then proceed! So what are the issues in hand? (Actually the issue was with the legs not hand!)
1. Aching legs,
2. Empty Stomach
3. Thirst
4. 5 km more!
First, I have to take care of my aching legs! I sat down on a rock and massaged my legs for some time! After 10 min, my legs felt better!
I promised my stomach and throat that their needs will also be taken care of asap!
For the remaining issue of '5 km more', I used 'psychological approach'!
5 km = 5000 mts = 500000 cms! Its just 5 lakh cm! Even a kid can do this! Common Praveen lets go!
But all these were sufficient for walking some 100 or 150 mts! Again I started my zombie walk! At that time, I saw a few horses coming up. And a few freinds I met in the valley of flowers, were sitting on them! I was wondeing how nice it wud have been if I too had taken a horse uphill! When they saw me.. they said "Wow! Its you again! I really shoud appreciate your stamina yaar!"
I gave them a winners smile and a Thumps up signal and continued walking as if "oh.. its nothing! I do it all the time!"
After they passed me, I really started thinking "If only I had taken a horse!"! I knew its time to kick my ego's ass and take the horse's back!
But I was unable to find anyone with a single horse who is ready to take me to Hemkund Sahib. Most of the goda waalaas coming down were having 5 or 6 horses. So they were not ready to go back leaving the rest of the horses! I continued my trek hoping I'll find someone one the way.
I kept asking everyone coming down is there any shops nearby? How far am I from the next shop? They reply something in punjabi which I optimistilically imagined was "Yeah, its just around the corner" Just 100 mts ahead!"
But it wasnt happening! But when I had covered 2 kms, a sikh man coming down tried to cheer me up saying its easy from here. You can make it!!
He handed me a half packet GluconD and hurried down. I didnt have words to thank him and by the time I found words he was gone! I ate it and gained some strength to walk.
But gluconD also has its limitations you see...!!! Again I was finding it difficult to move one more step! I dont know how I walked atlast I had covered 3 kms!
After 100 or 200 mts I heard the sweetest sound my ears could hear! No!! not Chitra/Sunithi chowhan's singing! It was the sound of a COOKER whistle! Cooker whistle means there is a burning stove nearby. And a burning stove would mean a hot cup of tea, biscuts, omlette and....
But where is it? where is it?
Oh there!
Atlast a tea shop!!! Thank God! You saved me!! Hallelujah!
Will all the energy i could gather, I walked to the shop and fell on the cot!
I wanted to say "Aaaye ganpat, chal Chai la"
But fearing I'd be kicked out without the tea, I said politely "Bhayya Ek Chai dena... Please!"
After having a chai and 2 packs of Parle G. I felt life slowing in my body again!
Should I have anything else? I think its enough. "Bhayya kitnaaa hua?"
Did i hear it right? I read his lips! "Theese"! Yes he is saying 30 only!
What to do? Even if he had asked 50 I'd have given him!
I had learnt my lesson, dont worry abt money when u are at the edge of dying! Is there any meaning you reach the top almost dead!
So i sat there asking all the goda waala's coming down to take me up.. But still none were ready!
Then I thought ok.. instead of sitting here and waiting, why dodnt I walk?
After walking 500 mts... again I was back to Pre-ParleG state! Luckily I saw a goda waala was coming down with 2 horses.
This time he asked "Saab goda chahiye?"
What? I have coverd 4 kms. Now 2 is remaining. 300 for that is too much? Dont you read "Ecconomic Times" my friend?
Aap bolo saab kitha doge...?
Hmm.. ye huua na baath. I'll give u 350 to go up and come down! what say Horseman?
He was happy! Deal!
I am happy! Deal!
Thus I started uphill on the horse! (Sorry Bobby)
Once I was on the horse I started enjoying the views beteeen the mist! It was awesome! Chkout the snaps urself.
Me, Bobby the Goda waala and the other Goda (I forgot to ask his name) reached Hemkund sahib at 3 PM!
Only then I understood the meaning of the confussed look and questions in punjabi from the Sikh people coming down! They were actually asking me, "Why are u going at this time? Its late and the Gurudwara is already closed!" Anyways I was not going there to listen the Keerthan or Qurbani in Gurudwara! Also I had already met all my gaurdian angels while coming up itself!
In the Punjabi who gave me a half pack of Glucond, In the Chaiwaala (who eventhough charged me 30/-) gave me back my life, The Godawaala who appeared with 2 horses when I was on the edge of falling!
I was just going up to see the place and wash myself in the lake!
After wasking myself in Hemkund lake, I started taking some snaps of the place and since I did have anything else to do, by 3:30 we started the descend!
Coming down on a horse proved to be a mistake! Please dont do it u go to HEMKUND Sahib. My free advice is: While coming down, walk!
Anyways we 4 reached Gangeria by 5:30!
Wow! I did it I did it I did I did!
Even though I was limping, my heart was jumping upand down running here and there inside me! I did it I did it!
My one year's dream is fulfiled now!
Saw my friends. Told them what all I did that day. Went to my room collected my things and got another room where Anurag stayed, Had food and slept like a log!
In the night when I wokup, i knew my legs and my back were on hell!
Still I was happy! I did it.. I did it!
"Arey yaar bas bhi karo! So jaao!"

11:00 AM
Its 11:00 AM now. I can do the 6 km trek in approximately 2 - 2 & half hours. Its just 6 Kms. No need of paying 500/- for a horse! I can do it!
But later I realised, how foolish I was!
After walking (its "CLIMBING" actually) for some 400 or 500 mts, I started feeling tired. I shouldn't be walking this fast! That is making me tired so soon! I slowed down my pace. However, after walking a 100 mts, again started feeling tired. Then I realised that I didnt eat anything since morning and I have been walking since 6 AM. That could be the reason!
Now what to do? Today I didnt carry anything with me to eat and there were no shops nearby! Maybe after some time there will be shops and once I eat something I should be ok! Afterall its just 6 kms! But the truth was far from this!
"The climb to Hemkund sahib is so steep that it makes u tired after waking a few meters! Also as you go higher, the oxygen level comes down and you find it difficult to breath." By the time I remembered these words from my online friends and the hotel manager, I had climbed 1 km! My speed had reduced drastically and I was walking like a zombie! On every step I took, my legs were screaming "THIS IS IT!... PLEASEEEEE... NOT ANYMORE!" I felt like I have walked till the ends of the earth and i cannot go a single step more!
But turning back meant I have to wait one more day! Plus, the it had been raining heavily and if that continues, it could put my return journey in trouble. I wanted to reach Delhi on 15th So that I will be able to go to office on 16th.
Btw, did anyone say anything about "turning back"? I knew very well that even if I wanted to, my ego would not let me do that! I've walked 1 km. 5 more to go! I would go on even if that means I reach there in the evening! Afterall, I dont have a plane or train to catch. so whats the hurry? Let me solve all the issues and then proceed! So what are the issues in hand? (Actually the issue was with the legs not hand!)
1. Aching legs,
2. Empty Stomach
3. Thirst
4. 5 km more!
First, I have to take care of my aching legs! I sat down on a rock and massaged my legs for some time! After 10 min, my legs felt better!
I promised my stomach and throat that their needs will also be taken care of asap!
For the remaining issue of '5 km more', I used 'psychological approach'!
5 km = 5000 mts = 500000 cms! Its just 5 lakh cm! Even a kid can do this! Common Praveen lets go!
But all these were sufficient for walking some 100 or 150 mts! Again I started my zombie walk! At that time, I saw a few horses coming up. And a few freinds I met in the valley of flowers, were sitting on them! I was wondeing how nice it wud have been if I too had taken a horse uphill! When they saw me.. they said "Wow! Its you again! I really shoud appreciate your stamina yaar!"
I gave them a winners smile and a Thumps up signal and continued walking as if "oh.. its nothing! I do it all the time!"
After they passed me, I really started thinking "If only I had taken a horse!"! I knew its time to kick my ego's ass and take the horse's back!
But I was unable to find anyone with a single horse who is ready to take me to Hemkund Sahib. Most of the goda waalaas coming down were having 5 or 6 horses. So they were not ready to go back leaving the rest of the horses! I continued my trek hoping I'll find someone one the way.
I kept asking everyone coming down is there any shops nearby? How far am I from the next shop? They reply something in punjabi which I optimistilically imagined was "Yeah, its just around the corner" Just 100 mts ahead!"
But it wasnt happening! But when I had covered 2 kms, a sikh man coming down tried to cheer me up saying its easy from here. You can make it!!
He handed me a half packet GluconD and hurried down. I didnt have words to thank him and by the time I found words he was gone! I ate it and gained some strength to walk.
But gluconD also has its limitations you see...!!! Again I was finding it difficult to move one more step! I dont know how I walked atlast I had covered 3 kms!
After 100 or 200 mts I heard the sweetest sound my ears could hear! No!! not Chitra/Sunithi chowhan's singing! It was the sound of a COOKER whistle! Cooker whistle means there is a burning stove nearby. And a burning stove would mean a hot cup of tea, biscuts, omlette and....
But where is it? where is it?
Oh there!
Atlast a tea shop!!! Thank God! You saved me!! Hallelujah!
Will all the energy i could gather, I walked to the shop and fell on the cot!
I wanted to say "Aaaye ganpat, chal Chai la"
But fearing I'd be kicked out without the tea, I said politely "Bhayya Ek Chai dena... Please!"
After having a chai and 2 packs of Parle G. I felt life slowing in my body again!
Should I have anything else? I think its enough. "Bhayya kitnaaa hua?"
Did i hear it right? I read his lips! "Theese"! Yes he is saying 30 only!
What to do? Even if he had asked 50 I'd have given him!
I had learnt my lesson, dont worry abt money when u are at the edge of dying! Is there any meaning you reach the top almost dead!
So i sat there asking all the goda waala's coming down to take me up.. But still none were ready!
Then I thought ok.. instead of sitting here and waiting, why dodnt I walk?
After walking 500 mts... again I was back to Pre-ParleG state! Luckily I saw a goda waala was coming down with 2 horses.
This time he asked "Saab goda chahiye?"
What? I have coverd 4 kms. Now 2 is remaining. 300 for that is too much? Dont you read "Ecconomic Times" my friend?
Aap bolo saab kitha doge...?
Hmm.. ye huua na baath. I'll give u 350 to go up and come down! what say Horseman?
He was happy! Deal!
I am happy! Deal!
Thus I started uphill on the horse! (Sorry Bobby)
Once I was on the horse I started enjoying the views beteeen the mist! It was awesome! Chkout the snaps urself.
Me, Bobby the Goda waala and the other Goda (I forgot to ask his name) reached Hemkund sahib at 3 PM!
Only then I understood the meaning of the confussed look and questions in punjabi from the Sikh people coming down! They were actually asking me, "Why are u going at this time? Its late and the Gurudwara is already closed!" Anyways I was not going there to listen the Keerthan or Qurbani in Gurudwara! Also I had already met all my gaurdian angels while coming up itself!
In the Punjabi who gave me a half pack of Glucond, In the Chaiwaala (who eventhough charged me 30/-) gave me back my life, The Godawaala who appeared with 2 horses when I was on the edge of falling!
I was just going up to see the place and wash myself in the lake!
After wasking myself in Hemkund lake, I started taking some snaps of the place and since I did have anything else to do, by 3:30 we started the descend!
Coming down on a horse proved to be a mistake! Please dont do it u go to HEMKUND Sahib. My free advice is: While coming down, walk!
Anyways we 4 reached Gangeria by 5:30!
Wow! I did it I did it I did I did!
Even though I was limping, my heart was jumping upand down running here and there inside me! I did it I did it!
My one year's dream is fulfiled now!
Saw my friends. Told them what all I did that day. Went to my room collected my things and got another room where Anurag stayed, Had food and slept like a log!
In the night when I wokup, i knew my legs and my back were on hell!
Still I was happy! I did it.. I did it!
"Arey yaar bas bhi karo! So jaao!"

What an amazing piece of travelogue! I quite liked your sense of humor and the way you described all the events during your journey.
ReplyDeleteExcellent job and best wishes for your future endeavors.
- Vivek