Getting Leh-ed!

Kehathe hein... agar kisi cheez ko dilse chaaho toh puri kayanath... usse thum se milaane ki koshish mein lag jaathey hey! They say... if you wish for something with all your heart, then the whole world.. will start working towards making you meet your goal! -Shahrukh Khan - OSO In 1998 when Mani Rathnam's 'Dilse' was released, one more thing other than Preity Zinda and A R Rehman's music caught my attention... the awesome landscape or rather 'moonscape' of Ladakh! It was unlike any other places I've ever seen in south and believe me, it was the first time I was seeing that part of our own country! Right then I decided I'll visit this place someday. Exactly a decade later, when I made a promise to my Travel Bug , I included Ladakh also my wish list for 2008 . After checking the holiday calendar, I decided October is the suitable month! However, lot of trips in the first 6 months made me over-confident and I didn't do any home work for Ladakh trip....